Summers off?
I have found some troops meet all summer for those who are in town, things are as usual. I have found others that take the whole summer off and do not return until September. Personally, my troop fall in the middle. We do not have meetings all summer but we do get together. We usually have one fun activity each month during summer just to keep the girls connected. I recommend getting together for something fun at least once or twice throughout the summer. it helps keep everyone connected and you are less likely to lose girls who find another activity because GS is out of sight out of mind.
In years past we did one waterpark, one movie day and one other activity. This summer we are going to the community pool the same afternoons that would be our meetings, first and third Fridays. It is self pay and family is welcome because it is a public place. BUT siblings may not be dropped off, parents must attend if sibling will. When we guarantee 2 leaders are attending we do allow our girls to be dropped off to us.