Planning a big trip
First you need to decide a few things:
1. Where - have the girls give suggestions, talk it over and weed out those that are not reasonable, vote to see which one wins (we did girls got two votes, leaders got one).
2. How long - Can you do it in summer or spring break or just on a long weekend?
3. Who - will it be the whole troop or just one level (if you are multi-level). Will parents be invited? Will you require a parent for younger girls who attend?
4. How is it paid for - Cookie money? Fund raisers? Sponsors? Parents?
5. How do we get there - Fly. drive, rent bus?
Our troop has gone on 4 "big trips", twice to Savannah and twice to Disney World.
You need to start planning at least 1 year in advance and if it is a really expensive one, many years.
Our last big one was to take 7 high school seniors (with 3 leaders) to Disney World for their end of scouts trip. They choose the location and wanted to go for 6 nights with 5 days in the parks. We worked out all the prices and they began money earning. They did fall sale and cookies of course but also ran themed camps / events and Journey in a day workshops. We also had 2 sponsors who funded the gas. They ended up earning enough for all 10 of us to go for 6 nights/7 days trip. We stayed in a house 2 miles from World Drive. We are lucky to have certain things co-leader worked for expedia so that helped with price of house rental, 3 of our attending people had annual passes so no tickets for them, and we are Florida residents so more discounts. These are things to consider when planning.
On our past trip to Disney we were there for the 100th anniversary of GS in 2012 at Epcot. There was a special GS event there and it was open to our whole troop (over 40 girls). Our rules was girls who "wore tan" could go without a parent but Jr, Br, Da required a parent to attend. We had a big group and it worked out well. Parents paid for their portion in full and girls fees were only partially covered.
Our trips to Savannah were... 1. when most of our troop had just left 5th grade we had a mother-daughter trip. 2. When my youngest was in 6th grade. For this trip we had our usual rules of "tan girls" can come without parent, younger need adult with them.
As a rule my troop NEVER brings tagalongs to almost anything. If little Susie can't attend anything unless the entire family is along, then little Susie doesn't go. She could come with her registered/background checked Mom but we are not having siblings along, ever. Girls need time without their siblings. When I became a leader I was pregnant with twins and I made arrangements for someone else to sit them when we had a meeting or event. Those twins are now 14 and he does not come with her to anything girl scout.
My seniors (just finished 9th grade) are now planning their end of scouts trip. They want a cruise but second choice is Disney. They have 3 years, we shall see how hard they work and what the end trip will be.