My ongoing Story
They call me "Grumpy"
I have been a leader for 16 years, currently with a multi-level troop of 40 girls 3rd-12th.
I just celebrated 48 years as a girl scout in Florida. I am a traditional girl scout. I honor the girl scout traditions and get irritated at those who do not. My troop loves the campname tradition, which is why I am known as "Grumpy".
I collect girl scout patches, pins, and shirts (including those with my campname on them). I have a full patch jacket, Full patch tote, full patch blanket and enough for a second now. I would guess my GS shirt collection is over 40.
My council has presented me with the Appreciation pin, the Thanks badge and the Thanks Badge II.
Currently, I am not only a troop leader for a mega-troop but also serve as the service unit coordinator and facilitator for large themed camps in my council area. I also admin for several facebook groups and 'own' 10 facebook groups.
I have 2 daughters in scouts. My oldest has graduated, bridged to adult, presented with a lifetime membership and is now a volunteer for our troop. My youngest is in her 2nd year of seniors (had just bridged cadette in this picture, she is taller than me now). I also have a son who is my youngest daughters twin and was a cub scout for 5 years and a boy scout for a year. I have a wonderful husband of 28 years who hates that I spend so much time on scouts but he also understands that this is my joy and supports me.
I will make posts when I find a topic that I want to discuss. Sometimes there is time between posts but I often add files that I have found helpful between posts, some that I designed, some that I found online (credit given when I know who designed it). If anyone has a topic that you would like to have discussed in a post, you can email If I have an opinion or knowledge on the topic, I might just make a post about it.
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Thanks for subscribing and I hope my knowledge and/or opinions are helpful.
Updated 6-1-18