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Training and Leader only events

I am not even sure if I have ever hit on this subject but here goes anyway...


I highly recommend doing all online training offered by your council, and other councils that you can find. I have found some very helpful info on other councils websites, understanding that some things that are done/allowed at one council are not at yours. Take what is helpful from it and disregard what your council does not allow.

TRAINING EVENTS held in person:

If you are lucky enough to be close enough to your council to go to training in person take the opportunity to GO! If it is a bit of a distance get together with other local leaders and car pool to one.

I am lucky that I live 5 minutes from the council office at my end of council, it was the main office pre-merge and now is a satellite office at the far west end of our council which spans 19 counties. There is also a satellite office at the east end and the main office is almost mid-point. We have a kick-off (themed) training day end of July each year. This year was Wonderland theme and last year was Willie Wonka.

Adult ONLY camps:

I have attended many training camps in my council in my early years of leading. Usually they include outdoor training, sometimes first aid or canoe. I have done every one they offer 4-5 times and still get a little from it but often just help with trainings, due to a different teacher and different adults in the class.

BUT I started something different at my end of council...

A leader only (no reg moms, no kids, no men, no staff) weekend camp with NO training, none! We craft, scrapbook, chat, play games and talk the whole time. New leaders can ask questions of experienced leaders. Experienced leaders get to help our the newbies and spend time with their leader friends that they may not get to see often and share ideas with each other also. Every leader brings an idea to share. I hold it at the end of September at my council's "Glamp". Yep I said Glamp! It is a 2 story building that sleeps about 54, sits on a bay that feeds into the gulf, has a pool, a/c, heat, industrial kitchen, and get this...2 big screen tv's to watch movies on and WIFI! It is a relaxing weekend with no stress and everyone goes home pumped up for the new year.

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