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S.W.A.P.S.are enjoyed in person at events.

You can also arrange these through Swap groups with others around the world. There are also other ways to connect with troops across the country and the world. You may want to get a cloth map and pin your swaps to it.


Flat Stacie (Juliette)

Originating from the Flat Stanley books, Flat Stacie is the Girl Scout version. Many now call her Flat Juliette. You may want to read the first Flat Stanley book so the girls understand the story. You print a paper doll. I recommend as big as you can get it on a 8x11 sheet. I also recommend only 1-2 per troop and not one per girl because they sometimes do not make it home and you wouldn't want one girl to be left out. Then have the girls take turns coloring it in. Cut it out, write her return address info on back and laminate it for protection. Make her a journal for the troops she is visiting to make notes and post pictures of her travels. When she returns home share her trip with the girls and scan the pages they took notes on in case she gets lost. Or remove those pages and replace with blank ones for the next troop, this will also save on shipping due to her journal being lighter.


I will put a file in the file section with pdf images.

Mascot exchange

In the same manner of swap you can send off your mascot (stuffed animal) to other troops. This is more costly in shipping back and forth.

Postcard Exchange

You can set up exchanges with troops all over to do a snail mail or email post card exchange. There is a facebook group for doing so and various other sites devoted to this type of exchange. You can also make an electronic postcard and swap those online and save on postage.


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