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Multi-level Troop Funds

I have been asked by several how do you keep track of multi-level funds to make sure they are divided up among the levels. I don't! It all evens out in the wash.

The troop is a group together and every level earns badges/patches/etc. This week one group may spent a little more on an activity and next week the other group may. It is not worth the stress to try and keep track of which level or girl has how many pennies spent on her.

How do you decide where money goes?- Troop funds are decided by the troop how they are to be spent. Admin costs need to be taken into account. If you are saving for a big event or trip then spend less on activities. There are so many recycle or free things you can do.

Who buys everything?- The troop! the leader should NOT be paying for things out of her pocket. All monies NEEDED to be used for running the troop should come from troop funds. No leader should be giving so much of her time AND be paying for a lot of it. All families in the troop should be supporting the troop. Make a wish list and have it out at meetings.

How does each level get the supplies they need?- Whatever works best for your troop. With ours the level leader picks things up and returns with a receipt. The amount is credited to fees that the leaders daughter owes or will owe. She is told to be thrifty and not to spend a big amount on one activity. Average about $1-2 per girl per activity. Not every meeting should have an activity that requires this either.

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