Name Tags
Most experts say that children should never wear anything with their real name on it due to predators using that information to try and manipulate children. I agree with this opinion because I have been witness of a stranger trying to coerse a child using their name.
We do not ever use real names on our name badges. As you read in a previous post, we use campnames in our troop and being in Florida they are all Disney characters for us. Our name badges are the little plastic sleeve name tags with a clip.
The slip inside the sleeve
FRONT- girls campname and troop #, troop logo (trefoil with mickey mouse ears) and a picture of her character
BACK- phone number of all leaders with her levels leader listed on the top, Any allergy and any other important medical info about the girl.
We always wear them when we are away from meeting and at our ceremonies. I collect them at the end of every event and do not let girls keep them because them always get lost.
This is an example of one of ours. This girl happens to have a double campname. I have done a clip for another troop and used the GS logo or trefoil logo in place of ours and they had flowers for their campnames so I found clips of them.