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Acquiring new co-leaders

I have heard from many people that they have a difficult time getting co-leaders to help with their troop. I have not had much of an issue with this but will share what I have learned.

I am the '01', do the paper work, treasurer, and plan most activities. I was the cookie mom but over the years have found a mom who has taken that over and done an amazing job.

Getting a mom to be the one who works with the Daisy group etc, is not difficult. Sometimes they have to be slowly eased into it. Have them plan 1 activity for 1 meeting.

I now have a daisy co-leader, a brownie co-leader and 2 asst., a junior co-leader, a cadette 6 co-leader, a cadette 7 co-leader, and a part-time senior co-leader (could only do once a month), a floater 'new adult GS' who helps, a camp 'new adult GS' Asst and a camp cook. I lead the cadette 8 and part-time with the seniors (once a month). I also have about 2-3 seniors who help assist with our younger girls to earn service hours.

I think for most people it is an issue within their own mind and one they can overcome if convinced by bringing them in slowly. I have them fill out the "Lend a Hand" form but usually still have to go over it with them because they were afraid to check anything.

Excuse -- possible solution

1. They think it will all fall on them--have several with each having specific duties so they share the load and no one is overwhelmed

2. They are lost as to what to do or say they know nothing about GS--All this comes in time, you will learn as you go. It's not a problem, we will start slow.

3. They are "not crafty" (etc)--no problem, we can figure out what you are good at.

4. They work and have kids etc and don't have time--we all have these things but make time to teach young girls. I am sure you have just 1 hour you could spare. Perhaps you could be the mom who sets out snack (etc).

5. They had a bad experience in a previous troop--Well I'm glad you aren't with them any more. You will enjoy being a part of the troop _____ family.

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