Event sign up binder
This is another binder that sits on the table by the door at my meetings. There are pens there for sign ups.
This binder has a "wish list" page for any donations the troop would love to have including the usual craft items as well as copy paper and ink for leaders printer.
Then there is an events tab... Each event that is offered is placed in the binder by date it will occur.
The front of the sheet is a place for me to to fill out info about the event. If I receive a flyer from council of an event, I take it to my printer and print the sign up page on the back and put that in the binder instead of writing out my own.
The back of the page is for everyone in the troop to sign up "Yes" , "No" or "maybe" if they are unsure at the moment. This way you know who is interested. I have all girls names already on it so I can see at a glance who has not checked it yet.
This has proven very useful for finding out who is interested. I also do facebook events and when someone signs up on there I check yes or no in the event sign up binder for the event.
I am adding these pages to the files tab also.