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Sit Upons

For our first sit upons when girls are young and earning a badge that includes sit upon making and reduce reuse recycle...

1. Heavy plastic tablecloths cut into rectangles of about 12"x 24" or if a large child 18"x36"

2. Fold in half and use small hole punch to make holes on the 3 open sides about 1 inch apart

3. Cut a thin cording to be 6-7 feet long.

4. Turn sit upon folded side up.

5. Fold cord in half and tie in the center of the bottom side (across from the folded side).

6. You now have two even lengths of cord tied on in the center

7. Put a kiddies type plastic sewing needle on one cord

8. Stitch down one side (I recommend telling them to go in the top each time to encircle the edge) pulling tight as you go, all the way to end at the fold

9. Tie off that end at the fold

10. Remove needle and put it on the 2nd end of the cord

11. Sew around the other side in the same manner, leaving it open about the last 4 inches for stuffing.

12. Tie off so it doesn't come loose while stuffing.

13. Use sharpies to write first name or campname, troop # and to decorate

14. Stuff with grocery store plastic bags (reduce, reuse, recycle). Over stuff a little as they will squish when you sit on it

15. Stitch up the open end to the fold and tie off.

16. Tie the two leftover ends together to make a strap to carry it.

Note: If on a hike and you need a bag for garbage, carefully pull one out between stitches and wallah!

Another option is to buy inexpensive drawstring backpacks (I found these at Dollar Tree), stuff and stitch or duct tape the opening.

Sit Upon for older girls and adults:

For our older girls and adults, we prefer a cushier sit upon.

1. 1 1/2-2 inch thick foam squares, at least 18 inch square

2. Fleece backed vinyl fabric (color for top and black for bottom so it won't show dirt as badly)

3. Cut vinyl pieces 1 inch bigger on each side than the foam, in this case it would be 20"x20"

4. Decorate as above

5. Stitch in the same manner as above

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