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Uniform Altering

It is a UNIFORM which by definition means... adjective 1. identical or consistent, 2. without variations in detail, 3. constant; unvarying; undeviating.

GSUSA says... Our new “unified” look keeps the iconic elements of the classic Girl Scout uniform. Girl Scouts at each level now wear ONE required element (tunic, sash, or vest) for the display of official pins and awards.

This one is a huge "soap box" issue for me, so here I go...

Altering the uniform to add wings, a cape or other piece that changes the integrity of the basic design is not allowed. What are we teaching children when we do this? In my opinion you are teaching them that they can do this to any uniform they are required to wear in their life. Schools generally have strict rules about their uniforms. You can't add lace to your McDonald's uniform. Military nor Boy scouts can't change theirs at all.

Whine I hear...but my little princess wants to wear every little patch she ever got. Sorry but they need to learn to make choices. They do not need to have a patch for every pizza party and movie day they attend, it is a participation patch not an earned award. If they start learning now then it won't be such a fight when they are in the tan vest for 7 years. It is impossible to have a patch for every little event they attend on the back of the tan vest. And if she chose the sash, you are SOL, nothing fits on those things.

If patches are sewn on instead of ironed then when she gets a new patch she loves, just remove one and transfer it to her patch jacket or blanket. She can wear that jacket to outings and to meetings over her vest. And could even wear it to non GS things like school to help recruit. She could take a patch blanket to camps.

Neither of my daughters has had issue with making a choice when she gets a new 'cool' patch. She choose one to remove and on goes the new one. The old one has probably been on there for a year or more anyway and is not so special anymore, but still gets new life on the jacket.

Besides all that a full vest is heavy enough as it is, why add more weight to your little darling. I have seen many girls refuse to wear it for long because the basic full vest is too heavy.

Stepping down off my soap box.

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