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Yesterday I spoke of the tradition of campnames. There are many others and I am saddened by leaders who disregard tradition. Also those who disregard rules, buts that's a whole other post.

Opening/Closing meeting:

Pledge -It is a girl scout tradition to say all 3 at every meeting and ceremony. My troop does every time and we honor this tradition founded over 100 years ago.

I know some people are getting all "politically correct" about the pledge and the word God being used in it and the promise. Just skip that word or fill it in with your own word for your god. The pledge is a tradition in the united states, founded by our fore fathers. Quite bluntly...Don't like it, then don't live here.

Promise- Having said that I add, I am NOT a religious person, but I do say the pledge as written and the girl scout Law as written. I

sing graces at camp along with everyone else. Saying these things as written does not change your belief or disbelief just as reciting a paragraph from Harry Potter book does not make you a wizard.

The Girl Scout Law-This teaches girls proper behavior and reciting it helps them remember what to do and what not to do. I am stunned at how many leaders don't even know it.

The friendship circle-perfect closing and unites girls in one group and in tradition.


New girl Investiture Ceremony helps new girls feel they are being really brought into the group and honored. Parents come and it is a big thing to be honored.

Returning girls Rededication Ceremony can be done at the same time with the investiture. We usually rededicate returning girls then invest new girls.

Spring awards ceremony is another time honored tradition that is falling between the cracks. I hear of leaders just giving badges out without making any big deal about it. Earning them is a big deal so they should be honored when they receive them. Although I also like girls to be able to wear their badges sooner rather than later so that they can take pride in their accomplishments. We hand out badges at our opening/closing at meetings about every other month and just hold off right before spring ceremony so they receive some then too.

Bridging at the end of a level should be made very special. It can be fairly simple and still be very nice. In our area we have a big multi troop event at the local Naval Air Stations Museum. We have between 75-100 girls bridge at this ceremony every year. They are made to feel special, parents come and take lots of pictures and the leaders don't have to do any of the work.

There are Scouts Own ceremonies and flag retirement ceremonies. And don't forget formal flag ceremonies that are usually a part of every other girl scout ceremony.

Motto/slogan/handshake/quiet sign

If not teaching girl scout way badge, many new leaders don't even know these themselves much less teach them.

Motto- Be prepared

Slogan- do a good turn daily

handshake- shake left hand while doing 3 finger girl scout sign with right hand

quiet sign- raise right hand above head with OPEN palm


Singing girl scout song is dwindling. I want to hear girl scout songs sung at every campfire and gathering but rarely do and if I do they are not traditional girl scout songs. Many young scouts are not even being taught any traditional girl scout songs anymore just silly songs. These songs are great fun but should not be in place of the traditional girl scout songs.

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