And so it begins...
I have joined the world of bloggers due to the encouragement of many of my followers, most recently my new friend Shelley who said "I am in a lot of girl scout groups on facebook with you. I wish you had a blog! You give the best advice & suggestions. I find myself looking for your name so that I can see your comments. I just wanted to say thank you!!! You have helped me tremendously! " So thanks to Shelley, I have chosen to try on this blog thing.
I have been a girl scout for so long that it is ingrained in my heart and soul. It keeps me young. I get so much out of it for myself by doing things for so many girls. Over the years I would say well over 100 girls have past through my troop. I have had girls leave troops that "just don't do anything" to join my very active and large troop. I have also had girls join as first time scouts up into middle and even high school.
I will share my thoughts on many subjects within the scouting world. Many may be not with the opinion of others but this is my blog and therefore I will state my opinion. Which will often be a very strong one! I am a traditional girl scout, proud to be so.